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beetroot soup

serves 2, df, gf, ve


400g beetroot (scubbed)

2 tbsp olive oil

1 leek

1/2 red onion

1 clove garlic

20g fresh root ginger, chopped

100g new potato, peeled and quartered

500ml vegetable stock

1 tbsp lemon juice

4 tbsp coconut milk

small handful dill/parsley

optional: hemp seeds to serve


gently cook the beetroot in the oven at 200'C, gas mark 6 for 30 minutes

sauté the leeks, celery, ginger, onion and garlic for 15 minutes, and stir

add the potato and cooked beetroot to the pan, then add the stock and boil for 15 minutes

leave to cool for ten minutes then blend until smooth in a food processor

pour into bowls, add the coconut milk and save with herbs, hemp seeds and little extra coconut milk to decorate


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