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buckwheat gallo pinto 

serves 1, gf, df, ve option 

40g buckwheat groats

20g red onion, chopped

20g celery, chopped

20g kale

half a tin/carton of black beans or 40g soaked

a handful of chopped coriander 

1 teaspoon smoked paprika

1 teaspoon cumin

squeeze of lime 

1 tablespoon olive oil

optional boiled/poached egg

optional guacamole on the side:

1/2 avocado

5 grams chopped red onion

1 tablespoon chopped coriander

squeeze of lime


cook the buckwheat in a saucepan (ratio of 1:2, buckwheat:water) for 15 minutes with the lid on (stir occasionally)

gently fry the onion and celery in the oil for 5 minutes

add spices and cook for a further 2 minutes, stirring

add the buckwheat, black beans and kale to the celery and onion, stir and cook for a further 3-5 minutes add a splash of water if needed to stop any sticking

if adding egg, begin to cook so it is ready to serve with the gallo pinto

serve in bowls, add the coriander and squeeze a generous amount of lime and season! 

to make the guacamole, simply smash up the avocado, add the onion and coriander, stir and squeeze some lime over and mix it in

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