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a warm welcome

Thank you for being here and taking a small moment out of your day to read my first blog post! I wanted to introduce myself, the lady behind RHNT!

I have spent the majority of my 20's and the first few years of my 30's on a journey of self enquiry and healing. There are a many reasons I began this journey, but I'll keep this to minimum. In brief, as a child I had recurrent tonsillitis, meaning I was on antibiotics around 4 times a year until the age of 23, when finally the doctors decided to take my tonsils out. This, on top of a very classic 80's child diet, mostly consisting of coco pops for breakfast, and a lot of chicken nuggets and chips resulted in my gut health not being in the best place it could be. Now I can't be certain, yet feel quite confident in saying, that this (in addition to family history) contributed to my anxiety which started at 20 years.

I am an adventurous soul, and I did a lot of travelling (and still do) but it was often dampened by me picking up food poisoning (including being very sick in the Amazon jungle and being hospitalised for salmonella on another trip), most likely down to not having good diverse gut bacteria due to the high antibiotic use. It was safe to say my immune system was weak, and my mental health was suffering.

With most people like myself, there is often a reason as to why we choose the paths we do, and after having gained much knowledge and experience in alternative health, including yoga, Ayurveda, acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutrition and nature, I decided I wanted to re-train as a nutritional therapist to help others and to educate people on the healing foods that Mother Nature provides us with. I studied for 3 years at The College of Naturopathic Medicine in London which was the best decision I made. I am interested in many areas and different health conditions, particularly mental health, immune health, hormonal balance and nutrition for children (not because I have children as I do not yet, but because I believe giving children the best nutrition and start in life is vital).

I have also trained as a forest therapist, because I believe in the healing power of nature and wanted to share this with others.

Roots to Flourish focuses on nutrition, nature, and sustainability. Not only should we give our selves the roots to flourish, I am extremely passionate that we should take the right steps to help planet earth flourish too.

Love Rachel



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