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oats - recipes and benefits

Oats are not only the main ingredient for many delicious, comforting, and even energising foods, they are an incredibly nutritious food to incorporate into your life on a daily basis.

Here are a few reasons to be consuming them or jump down a few paragraphs for some tasty oat containing recipes.

Oats support our digestive system. They are full of both soluble and insoluble fibre which is known to help lower cholesterol, stabilise blood glucose levels and helps to bulk the stool and prevent constipation. They contain beta-glucans (naturally occurring polysaccharides), which supports digestion in different ways. Beta-glucans increase the viscosity (thickness and fluidity) of our food contents and allow our food to flow with ease through our digestive tract (helping with constipation). They regulate the pace by slowing the movement down therefore allowing more time for nutrient digestion and absorption. Oats (including their beta-glucans) in the large intestine are fermented by intestinal bacteria. This supports healthy gut bacteria, and provides the release of short chain fatty acids from these fibers that provides energy for our intestinal cells. The beta-glucans also help to prevent rapid increases in our blood sugar levels.

Oats support our cardiovascular health. High intake of both soluble and insoluble fibre is associated with lower levels of cardiovascular problems. They contain nutrients that support cardiovascular health (such as B- Vitamins, Zinc and magnesium and many more) and the beta-glucans which help to lower total and LDL cholesterol levels. Oats contain anti-oxidants and polyphenols, which when working together with antioxidants that are naturally in the oats they can prevent oxidation of LDL cholesterol (a process that can lead to heart disease).

Oats are filling and may help with weight loss goals which is again down to the beta-glucans which increase our feelings of fullness, and increases the production of peptide YY which is a satiety hormone (helping us to feel satiated).

Oats are naturally gluten-free however due to manufacturing processes they can become contaminated. If you need gluten free oats ensure the labelling states gluten free.

Here are some recipes oat contain recipes:

g o l d e n g r a n o l a

df, ve, gf options

100g oats (use gluten free if needed)

250g buckwheat flakes

150g mixed nuts such as walnuts, pecan, cashew and hazlenut, chopped

50g flaked almonds

30g pumpkin seeds

30g sunflower seeds

50g cocoa nibs

150ml clear honey

50g coconut oil

1 tbsp of ground turmeric


heat your oven to 160C or Gas 3

in a bowl mix together the oats, buckwheat flakes, mixed nuts flaked almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and cocoa nibs

gently melt the honey & coconut oil, then stir in the turmeric, and this to the dry mixture

transfer to a deep non-stick baking tray & bake for 30-35 mins, stirring halfway through

when the granola is a nice golden colour, remove from the oven and leave to cool

the granola will keep for up to two months if stored in an airtight container

Jamie Oliver inspired

f r u i t y f l a p j a c k

df, ve, gf options

250g unsalted butter, plus extra for greasing (use dairy free if needed)

150g soft light brown sugar

4 tablespoons runny honey

1 pinch of sea salt

100g mixed nuts

100g mixed dried fruit , such as cranberries, apricots and figs

350g rolled porridge oats (GF if needed)


Preheat the oven to 150ºC/300ºF/gas 2. Grease and line a rectangular cake tin (roughly 20cm x 30cm)

Place the butter, sugar, honey and salt in a medium pan over a low heat, then allow the butter to melt, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile, roughly chop the nuts and any larger dried fruit, then stir them into the pan along with the oats

Transfer the mixture to the prepared tin, smoothing it out into an even layer. Place in the hot oven for 35 to 40 minutes, or until golden around the edges. Leave to cool completely, then cut into squares and serve.

p o r r i d g e

serves 1, ve, df, gf option

50g porridge oats (gluten-free if needed)

160ml water

60ml plant-based milk


spoon the oats into a small non-stick saucepan and add the water and milk

stir and leave to stand for 5 minutes

add to a hob on medium heat and stir for 5 minutes until creamy


whilst cooking, stir in half a chopped banana and a teaspoon of a superfood powder for example:

turmeric / cinnamon / nutmeg / maca / lucuma / baobab / ginger / chia seeds (more than one is great too)

get creative for the topping by adding for example:

blueberries, baked apple or pear, goji berries, honey, maple syrup, cacao nibs, desiccated coconut, flaked almonds, nuts, peanut butter, almond butter.... basically anything you fancy

e n e r g y b a l l s

makes approximately 20 balls


1 cup (dry) oatmeal (eg - jumbo oats, gluten free oats, or buckwheat flakes)

2/3 cup desiccated coconut

1/2 cup peanut butter

1/2 cup ground flax seeds

1/2 cup cacao nibs

1/3 cup honey or agave nectar

1 tablespoon chia seeds (optional)

1 teaspoon vanilla extract


stir all ingredients together in a bowl until thoroughly mixed

cover and put in the refrigerator for half an hour

once chilled, roll into balls (can be any size)

store in an airtight container and keep refrigerated for up to 1 week

Love Rachel x


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