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seasons and sustainability

As we transition to the beautiful season of Autumn, where apples and blackberries are no doubt on everyones shopping list for a crumble, I wanted to share with you some thoughts on why we should aim to eat with the seasons.

Seasonal eating was the norm for generations, people would shop and buy locally, as this was the only option available. Today however, with large supermarket chains and a Tesco express on every corner of the street, we now see the same produce available all year round.

Besides being richer in flavour and taste, here are a few reasons why eating seasonally benefits yourself, the planet and your local community.

Optimum nutrition – When produce is picked at peak freshness, the nutritional content is higher compared to produce harvested out of season. Eating seasonally ensures variety in your diet thereby giving you an array of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Supporting natural cycles - Eating seasonally helps our body to transition through the seasons, giving us the nutrients we need at the right time.

Cost efficient – Produce in season is more abundant, so it is generally less per pound. Buying produce out of season has many costs involved such as; travel, time and added expenses to grow it.

Environmentally friendly – We are all aware of the environmental issues we are facing, and one way to reduce our carbon footprint is by buying locally and eating seasonally. Imagine the miles a pineapple has to travel before it reaches your morning smoothie!

Support you local community - Shopping at farmers markets supports the local farmers, enabling them season by season to bring you the freshest produce available. Isn’t it nice to know where your food has come from to?

I appreciate it may not always be possible to be at the farmers market very weekend, however, where possible make some changes and incorporate seasonal produce into your diet. In doing so you will be doing your bit for the planet and your health. Win win!

Love Rachel



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