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sunshine smoothie

I sit writing this on Easter Sunday, and the sun is shining so bright. Currently we are in Covid 1 lockdown, and many peoples lives have changed. I see this time as an opportunity to look after ourselves, perhaps better than we have been.

I'm sharing a simple smoothie recipe that is highly nutritious and supportive of our immune system. The ingredients for this smoothie are classically used more often in juices. I however, endorse smoothies over juices for two simple reasons; smoothies use the whole fruit/vegetable and leave no waste, and because of this contains beneficial fibre. Juices lack fibre due to the juicing process. If you currently do not have a blender or juicer and are looking to invest, I would go with a blender for these reasons plus more, including the versatility.

So, the magic ingredients of this nourishing sunshine smoothie....

1 apple

1/2 large carrot

1 inch piece ginger

2 dates

Juice of 1/2 lemon

10g walnuts

400ml cold water

pinch of cayenne pepper

1/2 tsp turmeric powder

Place all ingredients into your blender and whizz until smooth. Add some ice to make it even cooler if required.

Stay safe and happy friends

Love Rachel x


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