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sun-dried tomato salad


serves 1, ve, gf, df

40g raw buckwheat groats

30g broccoli, finely chopped resembling couscous

30g cauliflower, finely chopped resembling couscous

30g kale/cavolo nero, chopped

20g sun-dried tomatoes, chopped

1 tablespoon tahini

1 teaspoon soy sauce (gluten free if needed)

20g pine nuts




in a non-stick saucepan cook the buckwheat in a ratio 2:1 (water:buckwheat) for 15 minutes, add more water if needed

turn off the heat and add the kale for 5 minutes, lid on

add the broccoli and cauliflower, tahini and soy and stir, leave with lid on for 2 minutes

place in a bowl and scatter the sun-dried tomatoes and pine nuts on top

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